The Influence of Organizational Commitment and Style Leadership on Managerial Performance Empirical Study at PMI Surakarta City
Organizational commitment, leadership style, managerial performanceAbstract
Human resources are an important part in achieving organizational goals. Employee activities in achieving organizational goals cannot be separated from the role of leaders in managing their subordinates. Organizational goals can be achieved well if leaders can manage subordinate management activities and carry out management functions, namely: planning, directing, organizing and controlling. In leading, each leader has a different leadership pattern in moving and directing each employee. This pattern can be used by a leader to influence the behavior of others. Each of these patterns has advantages and disadvantages. A leader will generally use a leadership style according to his abilities and personality. A good leader will see and hear every condition of his employees or subordinates. The research population was section heads, section heads and staff in the PMI Surakarta City environment, totaling 103 people. The sample was taken using purposive sampling, namely the sample was taken for a specific purpose, totaling 80 respondents who returned the questionnaire. The section heads, section heads and staff were taken as samples. This research uses primary data. Research results: Obtained t value= 1.971 with a significance of p= 0.382 which is greater or more than the significance level= 0.05, meaning there is no influence between organizational commitment on managerial performance at PMI Surakarta, while the t value = 4.939 with a significance of p= 0.000 which is smaller or less than the significance level = 0.05, then there is an influence between leadership style on managerial performance at PMI Surakarta.
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