The Connotation Meaning of Native Advertising with the Headline "Tips for Eating Ketupat for Diabetics, Eid is Still Delicious"


  • Lisa Odillia Faculty of Computers and Design, Selamat Sri University, Indonesia


Native advertising, signs, meaning, semiotics, visual communication


Native advertising is a marketing strategy that places advertising content at the intersection of commercial and journalistic. Analysis of the meaning of connotations in native advertising, conducted to study how advertising as a constructor of the mind utilizes mindset, culture and reality in society to sell products. The purpose of this study is to identify and describe verbal signs and visual signs and interpret the meaning of the connotations of signs and messages in native advertising. This research uses qualitative research methods with Roland Barthes's semiotic approach as well as sociological theory, persuasive psychology and visual communication design. The results of this study show that native advertising is a marketing strategy in the form of storytelling that emphasizes the meaning of denotation in the form of explicit messages, namely product benefits and implicit messages, namely the meaning of connotations in the form of myths (social and cultural values) to increase consumer loyalty to the product.


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How to Cite

Odillia, L. (2022). The Connotation Meaning of Native Advertising with the Headline "Tips for Eating Ketupat for Diabetics, Eid is Still Delicious". International Journal of Seocology, 3(3), 128–135. Retrieved from